Monday, October 20, 2014

The Power of Prayer

This weekend I have been thinking a lot about the power of prayer.  I have the unique/humbling/exciting blessing of being on the receiving end of intercessory prayers by fellow believers . . . and seeing answers!!
While I was presenting the ministry in several churches this summer, I gave some pretty specific requests:
1) that I would be able to develop a better relationship with several of the young mothers, namely Niña and Leidy
2) that my Spanish would come back quickly and improve even more quickly,
3) that we would have wisdom to address false doctrine being taught by others
4) that we would see people saved (among a few others)
One of the most encouraging things that I noted while giving my presentations occurred at my home church, Memorial: the response of the people to my prayer requests.  I saw people listening intently and writing them down.   Not that I think it is necessary to write down prayer requests in order pray for them; but I knew that if they would take the time to write them down, they were serious about doing their part to help in the work in Concho Primo.  That was both humbling and exciting!  Also, when I gave an update on prayer requests from the previous trip (I mentioned that Rosalia had gotten saved - a teenage girl that I had asked them to pray for for salvation), I actually saw one of the same ladies nodding her head intently, showing me that she remembered the prayer request and had actually been praying for her by name!  (thanks, Melissa J)

All that to say, that I know that people are praying . . . so now I am going to tell you the results that I am blessed to see. J 

First of all, my Spanish is doing great!  I know, I know, I hear some of you saying, “We knew you’d be fine, you just didn’t think you could do it!”  But when I say that it is doing great, I mean that after a week of being back, I felt that it was much better than when I left in June and I was much more comfortable!  That is a huge blessing!

Secondly, and even more exciting, I have been able to pick right up and develop relationships with several of the young moms already (I mean, we had begun before I left, but it is even better now)!  Leidy and Niña, whom I asked you to pray for specifically by name, have shown a real interest in coming to church. 
Leidy and her youngest
daughter, Yismeidy at
one of the teen events.

 Leidy had never come before and she came right up the very first Sunday that I was back!!! (try to tell me that is not a specific answer to specific prayers)  I have been back 5 Sundays, and Leidy has been at 3 of the 5 Sunday services (and a few teen activities)! 

I didn't get Nina in the pic,
but isn't little Angel
just adorable?

Niña came every Sunday up until her  precious baby Angel was born a couple weeks ago.  She has invited me into her house several times to sit and talk, and I have been able to learn more about her and her family.  (She never did come to our Bible study a couple weeks ago, but that’s pretty understandable considering it was about 100 degrees and she was due any day). 

LoMisia with her youngest
child, Elizabet

Last Sunday, another young mother came for the first time – LoMisia!  Please continue praying for Nina and Leidy and add LoMisia to your list.  Pray that they will have the desire to continue coming to church and hearing the Gospel.  Pray that the Lord will give me opportunities to sit and share the Gospel with them, and that I will have the boldness and clarity of speech to do so when the opportunity arises.  Pray that God will open their eyes to His truth and we will see them and their families transformed by His grace. 

Don't stop praying now!  This is just the beginning of what God is going to do!

And let’s not forget to thank God that He listens to our prayers and gives us the privilege to act as an intercessor on behalf of others!  (I have been studying the tabernacle, and I am so grateful that we no longer have to go through a priest to commune with God, we priest-believers can carry the petitions of a fellow believer right into the holy place to our loving God!  What a privilege of which we all could take better advantage!) 

Other Requests:
Continue praying for . . .
. . . wisdom to address false doctrines

. . . both kids and adults to understand the Gospel and choose salvation

. . . the girls that are doing weekly Bible studies with me (Irenita, Eva, Rosalia, and Yaneisi).  They haven’t been very faithful the last couple weeks, so pray that they will have the desire to continue and the Devil’s distractions won’t be enough to draw them away from our time of study.

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