About the Ministry

Leading souls to Christ.  Planting churches.  Training nationals.

I am currently on deputation, preparing to head back to ministry in which I have been serving for 18 months - assisting church planting missionaries Mike and Annie Dombrosky with their current church plant in Batey Concho Primo on the southern coast of the Dominican Republic.  Our team mission is to plant self-sustaining Baptist churches among the Haitian-Dominican people in the bateyes of the Dominican Republic.  

A batey is a company town in which sugar cane workers and their families live.  The population of the bateyes are mostly comprised of Haitians or those of Haitian descent.  These communities are the poorest in the Dominican Republic (which is already a third world country).  In most bateyes there is limited access to potable water, electricity, and sanitary facilities.  Most notably, there is also little access to the true Gospel.  While many of these communities may have a church, most of the churches are preaching what I like to call "the Gospel plus. . ." - in other words, they are teaching that salvation comes through the name of Jesus but you have to earn it too.  These well-meaning churches are inadvertently pushing their members farther into darkness with a skewed view of our Savior and a false hope that they can "be good enough" to get to heaven.  In some communities, there is no church.  This was the case when the Dombroskys arrived in Concho Primo.  God led them to establish a Baptist church in this community with no Gospel light.

Teammates Mike and Annie Dombrosky
Mike preaching

The Lord was also placing a burden on my heart to reach those with no Gospel witness, and it wasn't long after meeting the Dombroskys and visitng Batey Concho Primo that God began knitting my heart to the community and showing me that this is where He has called me to serve.

My Role in the Ministry

By God’s grace, I have been able to pick up Spanish fairly quickly and jump right into ministry.  Some of the ways the Lord is already using my gifts and abilities in the ministry include:

· visiting & building relationships with women and children

· teaching children’s Sunday School

· helping organize our kid's club, Niños para Cristo

· discipling women and young ladies

Upon my return to the DR, I hope to focus on reaching some of our young mothers with the Gospel and begin a women's Bible study.

Please pray for us.  Church planting is a team effort, and we need you!  We are working hard here in Batey Concho Primo and praying for fruit.  Please join with us in praying for souls to be saved, God's church to be planted, and nationals to be trained.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, praying for you as God leads! We haven't heard from you, hope all is fine!?
    How can we pray for you?
    Calvary Bible Church
    3865 N.High St.
    Columbus, OH
