Monday, April 7, 2014


Isn’t it so exciting to see God work?

It has been evident for some time now that God has been drawing some of the kids in batey Concho Primo closer to salvation, one step at a time.  When I left in June, they seemed so far from understanding the basic truths of the Gospel.  But when I returned it was evident that He had begun to remove the blinders.  Having heard the Gospel countless times, the Holy Spirit was convincing them of their sin and their need of a Savior. 
God set the stage and brought in just the right people to fulfill the role. .  . This week we have a group from Georgia visiting and running a CEF Good News Club.  It “just so happens” that the leaders of the group (Pastor Mark and his wife Cindy) were missionaries in Mexico for almost 20 years and, obviously, are fluent in Spanish.  They came Saturday and today (Monday) and will return tomorrow and Wednesday, Lord willing.  At the close of today’s lesson on Gideon, Cindy shared the Gospel clearly and gave an invitation.  She went outside with the children who wanted to know more, while the others remained inside to play a review game.

Up to this point, we have not really been able to give an invitation of this nature because of the language barrier.  We are able to clearly share the Gospel; but an invitation is a little bit different.  Especially when working with young kids, you tend to have many respond to the invitation that have no idea why they are going to talk to the teacher, they only know that their friend was going so they decided to also.  You want to be sure that they truly understand what it means to be saved and why they need salvation . . . that is very difficult to do without having mastered the language. 

God used Cindy’s knowledge of the language and experience with kids to lead 3 precious souls to Christ!

Praise the Lord for the salvation of 1 girl and two boys!
Praise the Lord for opening the blind eyes to their need of Him!  I don’t know how He convinces us of our sin, but I am so glad that He does! 
Praise God for bringing along just the right person to explain the Gospel on their level, in their language! Praise God that He does all the convicting, convincing, drawing, saving. . .and yet allows us to be a part of it!

Please pray for the new believers: Amanda, Alexandre, and Dauri!
Please pray that more children will be saved this week! 
    In particular, I ask you to pray for Eddy Miguel, Luis, Alejandro, Juan Carlos, and Irenita.
Michael praying with Alexandre after Good News Club today

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