Saturday, November 21, 2015

We serve an all-knowing, sovereign, loving God

At the last few churches, I specifically asked for prayer for wisdom about a situation.  There is a deaf woman named Miguelina who has been coming to church in the batey.  Miguelina has “no language:” she neither knows how to speak or to sign.   I have a desire to reach her, but I'm not sure what that looks like...I mean, how do you reach someone with no language?  There were so many questions unanswered in my mind.

  • Do I begin learning American Sign Language (ASL)? 
  • Is ASL used in the Dominican?
  • If I can learn sign language, how do I go about teaching someone who knows no language?

God, however, reminded me that He is never surprised by anything that I encounter.  Over the last few months, He has brought 2 different people into my life who have experience sign language in the Dominican Republic…turns out it’s about 70% ASL (apparently that’s pretty common).  That’s great news!  Now I have a starting point: learn ASL so I can teach it to Miguelina.  But that still leaves a problem.  How on earth do I teach it to her???
Just this past Sunday, a sweet woman from Calvary Baptist Church in Byesville, OH shared with me her experiences in sign-language interpreting and teaching sign language to those with “no language.”  She pointed me to a resource called Silent Word Ministries, which not only has some valuable tools to share the Gospel but also contains a few articles on how to teach sign language to someone with “no language.” 
I guess God had all these things figured out before I did…but then, that’s no surprise, is it? J

God is good all the time. All the time, God is good.


  1. That is so amazing! It reminds me of Helen Keller too, in a way. Just her teaching naming things for her so that she could then associate the words with things. It took a while, but finally Hellen started learning a language. Maybe that will help too.

    1. That's kind of what I thought of too...only definitely not as difficult as Helen Keller. I'm pretty excited to see what God does

  2. That is so amazing! It reminds me of Helen Keller too, in a way. Just her teaching naming things for her so that she could then associate the words with things. It took a while, but finally Hellen started learning a language. Maybe that will help too.
